bike expo pics
Marjie brought her spy camera. Marjie took pics of Grieber. So.. here they are:

Jen's test riding something at the test track they had set up in the middle of the convention center.

and here's Jen again at the Altered Esthetics booth. They are a gallery in NE mpls that does a lot of bike art shows.
Spycam loves a willing victim. Greiber's the willingest victim ever - good thing, cuz the pics of her are the only photos that turned out! Spycam is unpredictable, at best.
Jen looks super fast!
Barb - dude, where's your blog identity??
Dang -- who's the HOT chick caught on Spycam??? Oh -- its me! ;)
(Drat... I need a blog identity, too... and a HRM, trainer, new wheels and haircut. Am I really that pathetic?? :))
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