Karlo pics!!!!

Arrived on Saturday night at 9:08pm. He weighed in at 7lbs 4oz. and
Yeah. even though ze bella blogger thought about it... the artic temperature prevented her from doing it. As I jokingly stated at the team meeting, "you are more likely to see me online than anywhere else..."
Huge KUDOS to you anyway- at least DFL is better than my pathetic DES (didn't even start) thanks to my lack of knowledge of studded tired. I did however win some schwag for my efforts... One of the fellas running the race had extra home made studded tires available and when he heard my sad story he let me keep the pair that had flatted me. (along with giving me a long description of how to correctly put a tube liner in..) I promised him I'd be back next year with properly prepared equipment.
Oh...well...Uh...this was definietely a race of skill and knowledge
Friday I biked home from work without my lights on for the first time in, what has felt like forever. It was a balmy 35 degrees F and fabulous. Had I remembered it was Critical Mass Friday, I definitely would have ridden longer... but places to go... people to see... blah blah.
Nikki, Leslie and I enjoyed riding together last night at Now. We did
It hasn't been all too snowy around here, which is great for biking... but it bums our bella skiiers out. And -of course- the bellas rawk on snow. Maria Stewart placed 2nd at the Capitol Square Sprints.
Sarah went bmx-ing.. she even posted to ze email list about it.
Yeah... the trainer ride was part baby shower... and that was full of "ooooo! cute!" as expected. But... let's not forget... "oooo... SHINEY!... and cool..!" See.. in the back of the Arden Hills Now Fitness location, they've got Tacx trainer system, complete with big screen TV and virtual reality (haven't heard that term since 1999, eh?) simulator hooked up. All of us got to try both the Real Life Video and the Virtual Reality Terrains. Both were wicked fun. The Real Life video definitely had the better graphics.. but it lacked the steering function that the Virtual Reality Terrain had.
First of all - I didn't want to get my bike out, find my shoes (which